TEE 61 “PBA” coaches Trix

Original page created on 08/08/2008; updated on 15/06/2024.

Brand - Reference

Trix 23408 (four coaches, including generator coach, see next page), 23409 (three coaches), and 23493 (two coaches: A5rtu and A2Dx).


TEE 61 coaches knwon as “PBA” (Paris - Brussels - Amsterdam).

Coach UIC Number Revision
A5rtu 61 87 84-89 020-3 29.02.72
A5rtu 61 87 84-89 024-5 04.10.73
A8tu 61 88 18-89 989-9 (B) 10.08.72
A8u 61 87 18-89 887-6 14.01.72
A8u 61 87 18-89 882-7 22.05.72
A3rtu 61 87 84-89 028-6 28.04.72
A8tu 61 88 18-89 982-4 (B) 13.07.72
Homebase: Le Landy


210 g; 140 g after weight reduction (NEM: 117 to 152 g)


Photographed coach: A8tu.

Longer buffers as well as non-flattened UIC rubber joints are provided for the ends of the train.

These coaches are too low of about 0.8 mm, which is obvious if they are coupled to LS Models Mistral 69 which have a correct height.

Disassembly is very simple: just remove the gangway ubber joints, and the chassis goes out without difficulty. The roof and the body form a single part, which is favourable to their junction’s aspect.

Reference 23493, comprising an A5rtu kitchen coach and an A2Dx generator van, was purchased in 2024 to complement the “Étoile du Nord” and “Île de France” Paris Nord - Amsterdam TEE trainsets until 1974. These coaches are delivered without the special buffers and bellows for uncoupled end.



  • Electric equipment: 3-pole conductive couplings and lighting strip.
  • Coach No. 7: high brightness LED tail lamps.
  • Coaches raised between 0.3 and 0.6 mm. Three-point suspension.
  • Weight reduced of about 70 g.
  • Wheel width and flange reduced to approach the NEM standard.


Stainless steel coaches built in 1963/1964 by Carel & Fouché (France) and La Brugeoise & Nivelles (Belgium) to ensure the Trans Europ Express connection Paris - Brussels - Amsterdam.

The commercial service of these coaches began on 31 March 1964, with the Ile de France Paris - Amsterdam and Brabant Paris - Brussels trains, followed a few months later by the Etoile du Nord and the Oiseau Bleu.

Detailed characteristics:

  • A8u coach: 48 seats in eight compartments of six places. Side corridor. Side walls made of Securit glass. On the corridor side, the windows are higher (958 instead of 830) thanks to the suppression of the blind’s electric motor, the goal being to allow the tall travellers to enjoy the landscape without having to bend down. This resulted in reducing the red TEE strip to a narrow line.
  • A8tu coach: 46 seats, central corridor. A folding table between two rows of seats is provided for dining at the place. The seats have three positions accordingly: meal, rest and release (the latter allowing a traveller to get up when the table is unfolded).
  • A5rtu kitchen coach: it has a kitchen and a separate compartment of the same type as the A8tu coach, 29 seats, allowing also dining at the place.
  • A3rtu bar coach: it includes a bar with a 12-seat drinking room and a 17-seat compartment of the same type as the A8tu coach.

The tare weight ranges from 47 to 48 tonnes. The electrical energy is supplied by the generator coach under 660 V three-phase voltage. The air conditioning of each coach is provided by a Stone air conditioning unit which automatically switches from heating to ventilation and refrigeration.


TEE PBA coach TrixTEE PBA coach Trix


Photo collection Y. Broncard in Le Train, Archives de la DEV Volume 2.

Dimension Actual 1:87 Model
Overall length 25 500 293.1 292.0
Body length 25 140 289.0 289.5
Width 2 860 32.9 33.1
Height 4 050 46.6 45.9 1
Pivot distance 18 100 208.0 208.4
Bogie wheelbase (Y24) 2 300 26.4 26.4
Wheel diameter 920 10.6 10.4
  1. 46.7 after modification.
Table of registration from Le matériel moteur SNCF
Type SNCF No. UIC No. Number
A8uj 31 to 37 61 87 18-89 881 to 887 7
A3rtuj 15 to 18 61 87 84-89 025 to 028 4
A5rtuj 21 to 27 61 87 84-89 018 to 024 7
A2Dxj 1 to 7 61 87 81-89 701 to 707 7
A8tuj 1 41 to 51 61 88 18-89 980 to 990 11
  1. Property of SNCB.

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