Covered wagon Gs212 of the DB (FRG) Exact-Train

Original page created on 10/08/2021.

Brand - Reference

Exact-Train EX20975


DB - Deutsche Bundesbahn (German Federal Railways) standard covered wagon Gs212

UIC Number Revision date
01 80 132 5 136-0 10.4.72


65 g (NEM: 49 to 63 g).


This wagon is sold in a two-piece heavy cardboard box, in which is a compact foam cradle, covered by a thermoformed plastic cover.

The parts bag supplied includes only two standard couplers and two brake hoses, plus two unidentified black plates.

The body is quite finely engraved. The doors are sliding, but their slides remain thin. Apart from the latch and the door step, all the attachments are in metal: end steps (photo-etched), various railings, door and buffer handles, etc.

Some ventilation flaps are open, showing a photo-etched metal grille. An annoying detail for me: the aluminium paint on these flaps has too coarse particles. Other manufacturers do it much better.

The chassis is very detailed, right down to the anti-fall hoops under the brake bars. The axle holders are attached to the chassis with two small screws. The buffers are spring-loaded, but their bodies are not detailed.

The wheels, not burnished, are not insulated, but joined by a rather thick plastic sleeve (⌀ 3.4). This system, practical for lighting a car, is not justified here. The flanges are 0.8 mm, which is good. The wheel back-to-back distance is 14.4 mm, correct compared to the NEM standard (14.5 ± 0.1); the axle length is 23 mm. There are no brass bearings, but the running is good.


Note taken from

In 1957 the drawings of the UIC standard wagon were changed, (doors widened from 1.8 to 2 m). The DB took this change into account by buying more than 3,000 new Gmhs 56 (Gs212).

According to the German website, 2,663 wagons of this type were purchased by the DB between 1957 and 1959. These wagons have aluminium roofs, the side walls and door linings are made of impregnated wood panels and the ventilation flaps are made of light metal.

Main characteristics: tare 11.4 t; load 24.5 t at “S” speed regime (100 km/h); useful area 25.2 m2.

These wagons are integrated into the EUROP pool.


  • Kurze gedeckte Wagen (short covered wagons) on Wikipedia (in German).
  • Technical information on (in German).

Covered wagon Gs DB Exact-TrainCovered wagon GsDB Exact-Train

Covered wagon Gs212 DB

Photo Hans Ulrich Diener on

Dimension Actual 1:87 Model
Overall length 10 580 121.6 121.0
Chassis length 9 340 107.4 106.6
Width 2 800 32.2 32.6
Height 4 080 46.9 46.1
Wheelbase 5 700 65.5 65.2
Wheel diameter 11.1
  1. Without handbrake platform.
  2. With handbrake platform (for information).