DB Tbis wagon with sliding roof and walls (FRG) Brawa

Original page created on 29/10/2018; updated on 02/06/2019.

Brand - Reference

Brawa 48968


Tbis 869 type B with sliding roof and walls.

UIC Number Revision date
21 80 058 5 009-2 15.8.73


62 g (NEM : 64 to 84 g)


This wagon did not interest me particularly initially, but it was offered at a very inter­esting price for Brawa.

Wagon finely engraved. The metallic aspect of the walls is well rendered; that of the sliding roof curiously less well, with more visible metallic particles. Inserted parts: rail­ings, coupling handles, in metal. Roof steer­ing wheels, underframe braking equipment, in plastic.

The door manoeuvring inscriptions, very fine, in German, French and Italian, are perfectly readable with a magnifying glass.

The guard plates of the axle boxes are very thin. In fact, they are metallic (U-shaped parts), the axle boxes being — more or less — glued on. One has taken off. They are mounted with clearance, probably to ease the inscription in curve. The wheels, slightly browned, have a 0.8 mm flange and a diame­ter of 10.3 mm, which corresponds to 900 in reality. I don’t know if it’s right, but since the overall height is a bit low as well as the buffers, I have a doubt. However, as the brake blocks are close to the wheels, it will not be easy to replace them with larger ones.

Axle shaft dimensions : L = 23.3 ; ⌀ = 1.5. Rather special!

A closer look at the inscriptions of the chas­sis shows me the phrase “Zulässiger größter Laufkreisdurchmesser 920 mm”, which means “Maximum authorized rolling circle di­ameter 920 mm”. I deduce that the new wheels should be 920 mm.

A bag of parts includes dummy couplings with and without shackle, and half brake hose couplings.

A historical notice is provided, in German and English.


Wagons built from 1968 in 1,100 units for the type B. They present both a sliding roof in two parts, like the SNCF Ts 1.01 (of German origin too), and sliding walls like the French EVS wagons.

Tare 13.6 t; maximum load 26.4 t.

The roof and sliding walls are raw aluminium alloy that gets dirty by taking a grey brownish hue.

The Tbis869 type A and type B wagons are distinguished by the manoeuvring of the roof: by levers accessible on a high bridge for the first one; by cranks accessible from the ground for the last one.


Wagon with sliding roof and walls BrawaWagon with sliding roof and walls Brawa

Wagon with sliding roof and walls BrawaWagon with sliding roof and walls Brawa

Wagon Tbis

Anonymous photo on dybas.de (broken link).

Dimension Actual 1:87 Model
Overall length (?) 14 020 161.1 161.1
Chassis length 12 780 146.9 147.4
Width ?  ? 33.0
Height 4 030 46.3 45.9
Wheelbase 8 000 92.0 91.8
Wheel diameter 920 10.6 10.3