B10t USI coaches LS Models-Heris

Original page created on 06/07/2017; updated on 20/11/2024.

Brand - Reference

LS Models-Heris 14014, 14015 (green), 14011-I, 14011-II, 14012 (bicolour)


B10t USI in green livery (type 66 and 67) and two-colour C160 livery (type 69 for the first two, 71 for the last one).

UIC number Revision date
50 87 20-70 744-9 2 21.6.68
Home base: Tourcoing
50 87 20-70 794-4 2 16.2.69
50 87 20-77 833-3 2 27.1.70
50 87 20-77 832-5 2 27.11.70
Home base: Landy
50 87 20-71 088-0 4 21.10.73
Home base: Paris-Masséna


143 g (NEM: 115 to 150 g)


This is the first series of USI coaches designed by LS Models in collaboration with Heris.

Moulded stunted handles. Bogies whose pivot is off-axis and which don’t have a rotation stop turn easily perpendicular. The electric heating cables have a funny look. The seats are orange, which should not be the case, I think, except for the USI 71 coach.

Body too low, wheelbase too short of 7 mm! I don’t understand this: the wheelbase has certainly been shortened to facilitate running in curves. But wouldn’t it have been favoured as well by respecting a more correct chassis height?



  • Body raised by 0.7 mm by interposing polystyrene spacers.

  • Displacement of the bogie consoles to the body (actual position).
  • Pivot distance corrected by changing the position of the bogie pivot axes and cutting part of their side beams at the step boards. The picture of two coaches together show them after rectification of the centre distance.
  • Interior decoration: room partitions, floor and walls, made of self-adhesive photo paper.
  • Interior lighting by LED strip; power pickup by conductive bearings. Control by bistable reed switch.


Coaches called USI (Unifiées Service Intérieur — Unified for Interior Service), on Y28 D bogies, built from 1966 to 1971 by the Ateliers du Nord de la France (ANF).

It should be noted that their overall length and their (virtual) bogie pivot distance are the same as for DEV AO coaches so-called long.

These coaches are coach type (center corridor). Their room is divided in the middle by a glass partition without door, separating smoking and non-smoking rooms. The seats have a two-position reclining backrest, and are covered with slightly bluish grey texid.

The windows can only be opened on one side, to avoid too strong air flow, and are then provided with a 45° deflector which, when they are ajar, allows to channel the air upwards. This deflector was not represented on the model.

Two of the Heris coach are in the range 20-77 795-1 to 859-8, with 1.5 kV DC and AC 50 Hz electric heating. The 70 088 is equipped with all-voltage (1, 1.5 and 3 kV) and all-frequency (16 ⅔ and 50 Hz) electric heating, which seems curious for a coach supposed to operate only an interior service (and thus in regime 50).


Warning: this sheet is about an older B10t USI coach, with regularly spaced windows, and confuses two types:

  • the 1960 type in the photo, mounted on Y16 bogies, and havind a shorter body, equipped with bellows;
  • the 1961 type in the diagram and the drawing, mounted on Y16 bogies too, but with a longer body and UIC rubber joints.
The overall length is the same in every cases.

B10t USI Heris in Celtic green liveryB10t USI Heris in Celtic green livery

B10t USI Heris in C160 liveryB10t USI Heris in C160 livery

B10t USI Heris in C160 liveryB10t USI Heris in C160 livery

B10t USI

Photo SNCF.

Dimension Actual 1:87 Model
Overall length 25 094 1 288.4 289.0
Body length 24 794 285.0 284.5
Chassis length 23 794 273.5 276.0
Width 2 880 33.1 33.1
Height 3 870 44.5 43.8 2
Pivot distance 17 000 195.4 188.5 3
Bogie wheelbase (Y28) 2 560 29.4 29.3
Wheel diameter 920 10.6 10.9
  1. Marked 26.094m on body !
  2. 44.6 after rising.
  3. 195.5 after rectification.

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