B9c9x UIC couchette coaches REE

Original page created on 06/07/2017; updated on 31/05/2023.

Brand - Reference

REE VB-173, VB-175, VB-179, VB180, VB-185


B9c9x UIC 62 and 67 type in green livery; UIC 71 in C160 livery

UIC number Revision date
51 87 59-70 527-1 2 28.12.70
Home base: Le Landy
51 87 59-70 595-8 5 19.10.71
51 87 59-70 606-3 5 19.10.71
Home base: Marseille
51 87 59-70 624-6 1 24.5.71
Home base: Paris-Ourcq
51 87 59-70 842-8 5 17.4.73
51 87 59-70 853-8 5 17.4.73
51 87 59-70 871-0 5 17.4.73
51 87 59-70 858-7 5 17.4.73
Home base: Paris-Conflans


136 g (low roof) et 138 g (high roof) (NEM: 113 to 146 g)


These coaches have the same qualities and defects as the previous ones, namely a correct appearance (with door windows a little too small) and many details that are already mounted: nothing is to be added by the amateur.

The interior fittings are in day position. For the night, it will be necessary to lower the blinds, i.e. to add blinds, because only some windows are equipped.

There are now three drawbar ends of different lengths depending on the radius of the curves to be travelled. For me, this choice is a second best: at other brands, Roco in particular, the circulation with almost joined buffers is possible regardless of the curve’s radius. The holding of these drawbar ends seems a little weak, in any case much more than the coupling heads’.

The roof has a still visible and rather irregular junction. The three-point suspension is quite theoretical because the chassis does not lean on the bogies. There are still no brass bearings, and the rolling ability of some of the coaches is not very good. The gangways do not stand vertically. In short, nothing has changed!



  • 3-point sitting restored by interposition of 0.3 mm shims glued on the bogie frame, bosses side.
  • 12-LED lighting strip powered by wires wound on the axles and controlled by latching reed switch.
  • Coach No. 624 fitted with connectors for removable tail lamps. See the pages on this subject.


Coaches according to the UIC specifications (Y type), 24.5 m long, delivered from 1964 to 1973 by De Dietrich et CIMT Lorraine. UIC numbers 51 87 59-70 501 to 528 (28 units) for the UIC 62 type and 51 87 59-70 581 to 654 (74 units) for the UIC 67 type.


  • Loco-Revue sheet No. 488/41974 / 74 a 41 for the UIC 68/69 type (former series). Sheet preview.LR sheet
  • Loco-Revue No. 627 of July/August 1999, p. 30-35.
  • Ferrovissime No. 6 of June 2008, p. 16-22.
  • Ferrovissime No. 8 of September 2008, p. 45-54.
  • Wikipedia article.
  • eurocity64.fr website.
  • trains-europe.fr website.

Green high roof B9c9x UIC REEGreen high roof B9c9x UIC REE

Green low roof B9c9x UIC REEGreen low roof B9c9x UIC REE

Green high roof B9c9x UIC REEGreen high roof B9c9x UIC REE

UIC C 160 B9c9x REEUIC C 160 B9c9x REE

B9C9x UIC coach

Photo SNCF on forum e-train.

Dimension Actual 1:87 Model
Overall length 24 500 281.6 282.5
Chassis length 23 200 266.7 266.5
Width 2 880 33.1 33.4
Height (lower roof) 4 050 46.6 46.2 1
Height (higher roof) 4 230 48.6 48.7 2
Pivot distance 17 200 197.7 197.3
Bogie wheelbase 2 300 26.4 26.5
Wheel diameter 920 10.6 10.6
  1. 46.6 after rectification of the seat.
  2. After rectification of the seat.
List of the UIC B9c9x (after eurocity64.fr)
Type UIC No. Num. Bogies Deliv. Remarks
UIC 62 51 87 59-70 501 to 528 028 Y24 1964
UIC 63 51 87 59-7(8)0 529 to 553 025 Y24 1965
UIC 64 51 87 59-70 554 to 578 025 Y24 1966
UIC 67 51 87 59-70 581 to 654 074 Y24 1969 High roof
UIC 68 51 87 59-70 655 to 680 026 Y24 1970 High roof
UIC 69 51 87 59-70 681 to 730 050 Y24 1970 High roof
UIC 70 51 87 59-70 731 to 830 100 Y24 1972 High roof
UIC 70 51 87 59-70 901 to 950 050 Y24 1975 High roof
UIC 71 54 87 59-70 831 to 880 050 Y24 1973 High roof
UIC 71 51 87 59-70 881 to 900 020 Y24 1973 High roof

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