A9 UIC coach in green livery REE

Original page created on 16/05/2016; updated on 02/11/2019.

Brand - Reference

REE VB-098-2


A9 UIC 62 type in green livery

UIC number Revision date
51 87 19-70 324-2 2 24.10.71
Home base: Le Landy


130 g (NEM: 113 to 146 g)


Very correct appearance, many details: towing hooks, small handles near doors, mounted electric heating cables, etc. The junction between body and roof is oore discreet than on the first series. Obviously, more care has been taken in mounting. Other clues: there is no longer a bogie damper loose nor a missing handle.

The exterior of the window frames is painted in green, the interior in aluminium.

The wheels have 0.8 mm flanges. It will be difficult to disassemble the axles (for the current pickup), because they are surrounded by the brake linkage (very detailed).

There are on one side of the chassis two bosses meant to ensure a 2-point suspension (the third point being the ball of the opposite side bogie), but these bosses don’t lean on the bogie! They should be thicker by an average of 0.15 mm. And, on the other hand, there is very little clearance in rolling to the ball side: the secondary suspension spring heads quickly come into stop on the chassis beams.

The gangways, very thin and in metal, don’t stand vertical. Must be glued if you don’t want to lose one!

The painting is a bit fuzzy: there are traces of greasy appearance difficult to clean with a fabric.



  • 3-point sitting restored by interposition of 0.3 mm shims glued on the bogie frame, bosses side.
  • Lighting with LEDs controlled by latching reed switch.


Coaches built according to the UIC specifications (Y type), 24.5 m long, delivered from 1965 to 1970 by De Dietrich and CIMT Lorraine, for a total of 184 units. UIC numbers 51 87 19-70 301-x to 330-x for the UIC 62 type (30 units).


  • Loco-Revue sheet No. 498 / 74 b 42 (former series).
  • Loco-Revue sheet No. 518 / 31975-74 d 44 (former series) of UIC 67 type.
  • Wikipedia article.
  • trains-europe.fr website.

A9 UIC verte REEA9 UIC verte REE


Photo J.-M. Frybourg in Encyclopédie des voitures SNCF.

Dimension Actual 1:87 Model
Overall length 24 500 281.6 282.5
Chassis length 23 200 266.7 266.5
Width 2 880 33.1 33.4
Height 4 050 46.6 46.2 1
Pivot distance 17 200 197.7 197.3
Bogie wheelbase 2 300 26.4 26.5
Wheel diameter 920 10.6 10.6
  1. On average 46.5 after rectification of the seat.
List of the UIC A9 (after eurocity64.fr)
Type UIC No. Num. Bogies Deliv. Remarks
UIC 62 51 87 19-70 301 to 330 30 Y24 1965
UIC 65 51 87 19-90 334 to 352 19 Y24 1967 Capitole
UIC 65 51 87 19-70 353 to 355 03 Y24 1967
UIC 66 51 87 19-70 356 to 374 19 Y24 1966
UIC 65 51 87 20-70 661 to 690 30 Y24 1967
UIC 67 51 87 19-90 375 to 378 04 Y24 1968 Capitole
UIC 67 51 87 19-70 379 to 400 22 Y28 1968 Red
UIC 68 51 87 19-70 441 à 528 88 Y24 1970 Red

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