B10c10 DEV AO U56 couchette coaches Jouef

Original page created on 17/06/2011; updated on 03/03/2019.

Brand - Reference

Jouef HJ4036 and HJ4104


B10c10 DEV AO U56.

UIC number Revision date
51 87 50-40 404-9 5 17.10.83
Home: Villeneuve
51 87 50-40 261-3 4 6.7.75
Home: Paris Masséna


HJ4036 / HJ4104: 171 / 165 g; 123 / 116 g after removing the ballast (NEM: 115 to 150 g)


HJ4036: bogies Y20. The door panes are not flush. Handrails not inserted. The gangways are folding, and the buffers, whose head is too small, are on spring. HJ4104: bogies Y16. Too high by 0.5 mm.

As for a DEV coach in No. 301 Celtic green livery with Corail style class cartridges, 2nd class light green strip and white doors, there may be some doubt. And yet, it’s plausible. See Le Train Archives de la DEV vol. 1, page 58-59 (fourth coach behind the 9200), and the Loco-Revue forum where Pierre Barbe reports a photo in La Vie du Rail book Encyclopédie des voitures SNCF, page 603.



  • Ballast removed.
  • HJ4104: chassis lowered by 0.5 mm by milling the bogie pivots. Coupling boxes shortened by 2 mm, but this is still insufficient to delete the gap between the bellows. Floor painted grey.
  • Lighting of some compartments, powered by wires wrapped on wheel axles, and controlled by latching reed switch. The LEDs are directed towards the ceiling, where a reflector returns the light down to the non-hidden compartments and the corridor (indirect lighting).


Series of 135 (U56) and 85 (U57) 2nd class DEV AO coaches made by Brissonneau & Lotz, CIMT Lorraine and Franco-Belge from 1958 to 1960. Bogies Y16.

UIC number: 51 87 50 [40 ou 47 ou 37] 261 to 395 then 401 to 485.


DEV AO B10c10 JouefDEV AO B10c10 Jouef

DEV AO B10c10 JouefDEV AO B10c10 Jouef

B10c10 DEV

Photo J.-M. Frybourg in Encyclopédie des voitures SNCF, 1990 ed., p. 281.

Dimension Actual 1:87 HJ4036 HJ4104
Overall length 25 094 288.4 288.0 288.0
Chassis length 24 036 276.3 275.5 275.5
Width 2 980 34.3 33.5 33.5
Height 3 940 45.3 45.5 45.8
Pivot distance 17 000 195.4 195.4 195.4
Bogie wheelbase (Y20) 2 300 26.4 26.0
Bogie wheelbase (Y16) 2 400 27.6 26.0
Wheel diameter 920 10.6 10.2 10.5
  1. 45.3 after correction.
DEV AO assigned to Region 2 in 1970:
Type Order UIC number Number
B10c10 1956 51 87 50-40 261 to 289 29
B10c10 1957 51 87 50-40 416 to 437 22
A4c4B5c5 1958 51 87 44-40 201 to 220 20

Division des études des voitures of the SNCF.

AO = ordinary steel coaches,
as opposed to DEV “inox” (stainless steel).