NMBS Rs UIC type flat wagon (Belgium) Roco

Original page created on 09/07/2013.

Brand - Reference

Roco 47765


NMBS Rs UIC standard type flat wagon with stakes

UIC number Revision date
11 88 390 3 306-5 05.10.00


71 g (NEM 91 to 119 g); 105 g with load of pipes.


Less lightweight than the DB Rs because the chassis is metallic. The stakes are to be mounted and are not pivoting. They have hooks without relief (this avoids risks of snagging). The mould of bogies seems tired (there are many irregularities that will be mitigated by painting). No tow hook.

Era V RIV-EUROP wagon. Probable registration before 1980: 31 88 390 3 306-1. “Type 3514B2” marking.


⌀ 10.4 wheels replacing the original ⌀ 11. Wheels, bogies, buffers, painted (mixed grey and rust, but rendering too grey). Floor weathered with the Tamiya weathering kit.

Loading of DN900 “cast iron” pipes ballasted by four steel rods ⌀ 6 × 17, i.e. 4 × 4 g = 16 g.Rs flat wagons loaded with pipes


It’s not easy to find information on Belgian wagons. So starting date unknown. The dimensions correspond to the SNCF Rs 8.02 type according to UIC-ORE (1970s). The frame consists of two longitudinal plain beams, and “fish bone” crosses.

Apparently, Type 3514 is for flat bogie wagons. The 3514B are the Rs and the 3514D are the Res (seen e.g. on MLGTraffic). This is a simple guess on my part, to be confirmed.


  • Photos by Anton Kendall. Apparently, the numbering blithely mixes Rs and Res types (without or with side edges).

Rs flat wagon RocoRs flat wagon Roco

Rs flat wagon UIC

Photo Laurent Delhaye on sur2rails.free.fr.

Dimensions (of SNCF R80) Actual 1:87 Model
Overall length 19 900 228.7 229.0
Chassis length (?) 18 660 214.5
Width 2 770 31.8 32.0
Floor height 1 260 14.5 15.0 1
Pivot distance 14 860 170.8 170.7
Bogie wheelbase 1 800 20.7 20.6
Wheel diameter 920 10.6 11.0 2
  1. With ⌀ 10.4 wheels.
  2. Original wheels.