A4B6u and B6Dd2 VU coaches in C1 livery Roco

Original page created on 11/08/2014.

Brand - Reference

Roco 64001


VU 75 A4B6u and B6Dd2 coaches in C1 orange livery

Coach UIC number Revision
A4B6u 61 87 30-70 068-8 2 2.4.80
B6Dd2 51 87 82-70 279-0 2 20.3.78


129 / 122 g (NEM: 121 to 158 g)


Appearance and respect of the scale very correct, except for the wheels (⌀ 11 instead of 10.2) and the height which is missing 0.6 mm, this will be accentuated with wheels of the correct diameter.

The body clearing at the bogies is increased for curve inscription. But it doesn’t show too much because the body bottom is dark grey between the bogies.

No handles, but they seem to be missing on some actual coaches, as in the photo opposite.

The B6D coach has a gaping flank.

The UIC rubber joints, shown compressed, are mobile and dangle on the coach, which is not very realistic!

Finally, there is too much space between the buffers and too much clearance in the drawbars (1.2 mm in alignment).



  • ⌀ 10.4 wheels on insulated half-axles; body raised by 0.5 mm; interior lighting controlled by bistable reed switch and powered by conductive bearings.


These VU 75 coaches are part of the first “Corail” 1 program, in 1975. They have the unusual feature in France of having 2nd class compartments 3-seat front. The orange C1 livery was applied to units on the Nord region to harmonize particularly with Belgian coaches on the Paris - Brussels line. This livery was rather soon (mid-1980s) replaced with the “classic” Corail livery. Weight: 39 t.

  1. Corail is an acronym for “Comfort on rail”, and a play on words with the French corail which means coral.

Characteristics specific to each coach:

  • A4B6u : 75 air-conditioned units, including 10 units in orange C1 livery.
    No. UIC 61 87 30-70 001-9 to 075-3.
  • B6Dd2 : 100 not air-conditioned units, including 11 units in orange C1 livery.
    No. UIC 51 87 82-70 201-4 to 300-4.


VU A4B6 in C1 livery RocoVU A4B6 in C1 livery Roco

VU B6D in C1 livery RocoVU B6D in C1 livery Roco

VU B6D in C1 livery

Anonymous photo on forum.beneluxspoor.net.

Dimension Actual 1:87 Model
Overall length 26 400 303.4 303.0
Chassis length 25 100 288.5 288.5
Width 2 825 32.5 33.0
Height 4 050 46.6 46.0 1
Pivot distance 19 000 218.4 218.2
Bogie wheelbase (Y32) 2 560 29.4 29.5
Wheel diameter 890 10.2 11.0 2
  1. 46.5 after raising.
  2. 10.4 after changing the wheels.