Vru DEV 1962 dining car Roco

Original page created on 19/10/2015; updated on 25/05/2023.

Brand - Reference

Roco 45210.1


DEV 62 type Vru dining car.

UIC number Revision date
61 87 88-70 012-7 1 25.10.83


153 g (NEM: 113 to 146 g)


Era IVb (non-metallic grey). Only ref. 44618 would therefore be in my reference era IVa. Home base Ourck with a big misspelling: it’s Ourcq for those who don’t know!

As often, the notice is silent about the assembly of some parts, here the kitchen aerators, which in addition the mounting hole is much wider than the tenon, thus giving some uncertainty on their real position.

Like the UIC Roco cars, it is too low by about 1 mm with a difference of 0.5 mm between the two ends. Wheels a bit too big and not burnished. I don’t know whether the shade of red has changed at the transition from metallic grey to cement grey, otherwise, this red is too bright compared to that of the photo here, even with all the usual precautions concerning the colours of photos. There are a number of small mistakes, such as these.Errors on Vru DEV Roco

The Y26 bogies do not disassemble easily, their snapping is hard. Once removed, the drawbars are no longer held and can escape very easily.



  • 0.5 mm thick spacer to compensate for the difference in height due to the 2-point suspension. Ballast removed: the mass is now reduced to 112 g, i.e. the NEM minimum.


Coaches made in 42 units by CIMT-Lorraine and Brissonneau & Lotz, delivered between 1966 and 1968, numbered 61 87 88-70 001-0 to 042-4.

General dimensions are identical to UIC Y coaches. Bogies Y 26C. Speed ​​limit 160 km/h (200 km/h for three units assigned to the train “Le Capitole”). Mass in running order: 48 t. 52-seat dining room. These coaches were autonomous thanks to their generator, and they had air conditioning (Stone Carrier).

Different liveries were successively applied (images from mlgtraffic):

  • red with horizontal white and vertical grey stripes around the windows; First Vru DEV livery
  • red “Capitole” with a broad off-white stripe under the windows; Second Vru DEV livery
  • red and metallic grey (the current coach’s) related to C160 livery (“garrigue” green and metallic grey); Third Vru DEV livery
  • red and cement grey; Fourth Vru DEV livery
  • Corail. Fifth Vru DEV livery

Note: the name DEV 66 is often used for these coaches; this is their delivery date. But, according to La Vie du Rail at the time, it’s indeed the type 1962.

Incidentally, one of these coaches was installed in the car park of the secondary school where I spent most of my career (Paul Eluard in St Denis) in the 1990s, to become a … restaurant, named Le Rail d’Ouessant.Vru DEV in St Denis Painted in turquoise, it served as a training centre for tableware. Warning: this restaurant is now closed. More on the Parisien newspaper website.


  • The type 1962 dining cars in La Vie du Rail No. 1093 of 23 April 1967 (article entitled Visite à l’usine de la C.I.M.T. à Lunéville).
  • Loco-Revue sheet No. 178 / 67c15 (former series).
  • La Vie du Rail No. 1706 of 26 August 1979: Voitures restaurant rouges VRU.
  • Loco-Revue No. 564 of November 1993 (release of the Roco model?.)
  • Wikipedia article.
  • trains-europe.fr website.

Vru dining car RocoVru dining car Roco

DEV dining car

Photo Pierre B on forum.e-train.fr.

Dimension Actual 1:87 Model
Overall length 24 500 281.6 281.5
Body length 24 120 277.2 277.5
Chassis length 23 200 266.7 266.0
Width 2 880 33.1 33.3
Height 4 050 46.6 45.6 1
Pivot distance 17 200 197.7 197.8
Bogie wheelbase (Y26) 2 500 28.7 28.3
Wheel diameter 920 10.6 11.0
  1. 46.1 after correction.

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