NMBS I4 coaches (Belgium) LS Models

Original page created on 13/11/2018; updated on 1/06/2023.

Brand - Reference

LS Models 42161


NMBS I4 coaches.

Type UIC Number Revision Date
A4B6 51 88 30-80 413-5 15.9.69
A9 51 88 19-80 410-6 21.12.67


A4B6: 174 g; A9: 169 g (NEM: 116 to 154 g). Resp. 135 and 131 g after deleting the ballast and assembly of electric equipment.


Set of two I4 coaches in original green livery: one A4B6 composite and one A9 first class.

When we take the coaches out of their box, we feel that it is heavy, too heavy. Weighing confirms it. LS Models is usually more in line with NEM values.

The first impression is very good, with a slight drawback: LS Models has once again thought good to represent weld seams (on the roof) where they are perfectly invisible in reality. The bogies are very detailed. Obviously, LS Models respected the difference in length between the two coaches.

The underframe is well detailed. The steps are photoetched metal.

The replacement of the shortened jumpers with the complete is not easy, because they are hidden behind the buffers which cannot be dismantled. It will be advantageous to slightly disengage the chassis to facilitate the operation. The oddly slanted position of the jumper heads cannot be seen in the photo of the actual coach opposite.

There is a height difference of 4 tenth of a millimetre between the two ends; the cause is classic: two-point suspension wedges, and perhaps also the rotational stop that can lean on the central beam of the bogie frame.

The bogie at the 2-point suspension end rotates too tightly, which arranges with the correction of height. The other bogie rotates well, but runs very badly! Cause: brass bearings insufficiently inserted in their housing. The same defect curiously affects both coaches. The axles, whose distance between wheels (14.3) is still at the old standard, have 1 mm flanges.

Fitting Profi couplings can be done without difficulty. Their height is correct. The drawbars have a little too much clearance: the gangway rubber joints are contiguous when stopped, but can spread of almost 2 mm while running, especially with the braking bogies.

Current pickup strips are provided, with an explanation of their mounting. But we are not told how or where to pass the wires…

See gamos81.altervista.org for the reference list of issued NMBS I4 coach models.


  • Jumpers and connection boxes mounted.
  • Height decreased by 0.4 mm at the 2-point suspension end.
  • Braking bogie improved by replacing its wheel sets with others of the same brand, but slightly shorter (about one or two tenths of a millimetre).
  • Electric equipment: current pickup by wires wrapped on the axles, light strip, and control circuit with home made latching reed switch. See the nocturnal aspect.Nocturnal aspect of the lighted A4B6 coatch


Series of 20 1st class coaches and 20 composite 1st/2nd class coaches built in 1966-1967 by Ateliers belges réunis (ABR), La Brugeoise et Nivelles, and Ragheno.

UIC numbering: see opposite.

These coaches are equipped with Schlieren T24/T25 bogies. Their diagram is close to the UIC-X type, but different, especially on the total length. There are three front seats in 2nd class.


NMBS I4 A4B6 coach LS ModelsNMBS I4 A4B6 LS Models

NMBS I4 A9 coach LS ModelsNMBS I4 A9 coach LS Models

NMBS I4 A4B6 coach

Photo NMBS on lijn58.be (broken link).

Dimension A4B6 Actual 1:87 Model
Overall length 25 770 1 296.2 296.5
Body length 25 475 292.8 292.5
Pivot distance 18 370 211.1 211.4
Dimension A9      
Overall length 25 380 291.7 292.0
Body length 25 080 288.3 288.5
Pivot distance 17 980 206.7 206.0
Common dimensions      
Width 2 835 2 32.6 33.6
Height 4 050 46.6 46.4 3
Bogie wheelbase 2 600 29.9 29.6
Wheel diameter 920 10.6 10.6
  1. Other source (Le Rail): 25 775.
  2. Other source (Le Rail): 2 825.
  3. Average. 46.2 to 46.6
Coach numbering details, according to lijn58.be (broken link):
Type NMBS No. UIC No. Num.
A4B6 13 201 to 220 51 88 30-70 402 to 421 1 20
A9 11 301 to 308 51 88 19-70 402 to 409 1 8
A9 11 309 to 320 51 88 19-80 410 to 421 2 12
  1. Without steam heating.
  2. With steam heating.